Tuesday, December 24, 2019
I Am A Christian Baptist - 981 Words
I am a Christian. Baptist to be more specific. I can not talk about my world view without talking about The Church. For you see, I am the Church. In the Bible, the word Ekklesia was used. Ekklesia means Church. In Matthew 16:18, Jesus says to Peter, ââ¬Å"Now that I say to you that you are Peter(which means rock ), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.â⬠The Church was founded upon people. As Jesus traveled, he had a group of disciples. He knew that people are strongest in numbers and he would use people to start the Church. After all, the Church is not a building. The Church is the individual and group that serves God. This is what I believe as a Christian. I believe that I am a part of Church the people. The Church was an incredible movement to have started so many years ago and to still have such an impact today. This is because the Church is a dynamic and living being. I am grateful to be a part of the Church. I grew up in a Baptist Church that I attended with my family. My family was very involved with the church and so we spent a lot of time there. My brothers and I used to spend hours in that church helping out and simply running around as the little kids we were. Several years ago, we started attending a non-denominational church that met in a middle school because they had outgrown their building. The first service we went to, the pastor of the church announced his resignation. After that, a few other leaders leftShow MoreRelatedThe Definition Of Christianity Is A Religion1391 Words à |à 6 Pagesus. I believe being a Christian consists of loving inward, outward and upward. I as that I never knew who God was growing up, but I always knew he existed. I am a courageous Christian woman that has been a Christian for almost three years now. I know now what it is like to live for Godââ¬â¢s glory. Before I became a Christian I was a very lost soul. 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John the Baptist and Oannes John the Baptist baptized people beforeRead MoreBuilding A Relationship With California Baptist University- Mba Program995 Words à |à 4 Pagesthe storms. Throughout my life, I have positioned myself to succeed regardless of the opposition. That has been the story since day one: my father being in and out of prison, moving from state to state, and never settling in one spot for too long. I joined the United States Marine Corps as soon as it was legal, in order to position myself in the direction of success. I have done well; I have gotten myself out of Baltimore City, I have started a wonderful family, and I no longer have the oppositionRead MoreChurches Should Not Be Divided1300 Words à |à 6 Pagesvalues in Christianity is to love one another like Christ loved us, but us as Christians canââ¬â¢t even seem to love each other in our own churches. Let alone other churches. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Gmat Statement of Purpose Free Essays
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Finance, as a field, had always fascinated me right from my undergraduate college days. I believe my penchant for this field stems from the fact that Finance runs in my family. My grandfather was an accountant, my mother is a postgraduate in economics and my father has a keen interest in keeping up-to-date with the markets. We will write a custom essay sample on Gmat Statement of Purpose or any similar topic only for you Order Now During my days at Engineering College I used to help my father to manage his portfolio of equities and other financial instruments. This was the time I learnt the first lesson of finance from my father i. e. risks and returns are proportionate. In 2001 the Indian stock market crashed. But fortunately, my father had a well-diversified portfolio because of which our returns were protected from the downside risk. This was when I learnt the second principle of finance from my father i. e. diversification reduces risk. While I understood these two principles intuitively, it produced in me a strong urge to learn and understand the complex theory behind the working of Finance. This, I believe, was a turning point in my career. I made up my mind to pursue a career in Finance and hence decided to do a Masters program in Commerce. Good academic performance in my school and college, active participation in academic as well as extra curricular activities have helped to develop strong quantitative and analytical abilities and good leadership and communication skills. These have prepared me to handle complex problems and have given me the confidence to pursue graduate studies. To achieve my career goals, I need to learn about current developments and techniques in finance, financial markets and financial applications and acquire hands-on experience of financial analysis. A Masterââ¬â¢s Degree will provide me with theoretical understanding, an in depth idea of practical approaches in aiding managerial decision-making and research skills to enable me to develop an expertise in the core areas of financial strategies and global corporate financial operations. In India with the onset of liberalization since 1991 and deregulation of the interest rates, the Indian corporations and financial institutions are exposed to various kinds of risks. The Government and the Reserve Bank of India have initiated appropriate reforms to develop derivatives markets and financial markets on the whole. This has suddenly increased the demand for professionals who can not only understand but also develop new financial instruments to evaluate and hedge the risk. I believe that in order to use financial engineering pro-actively and dynamically for optimum hedging, a finance professional should be well versed with the mathematics that underlies the financial theory. In the future I see myself, as a Finance professional, designing structured financial products by incorporating cutting edge methodologies and sophisticated tools in order to cater to the above mentioned requirements. To achieve this I would like to gain exposure to the latest practices adopted in the field of Finance and Risk Management. To this end I would want to work with a leading investment bank or in the treasury of a commercial bank, which would enable me to help corporations manage their risks. I believe that my educational background has instilled in me the qualities required to meet the rigor of this demanding profession. Graduation in Engineering (Computer Science) has provided a strong foundation in Mathematics and Computer Programming. Mathematics was one subject in which I had always excelled right from my school days. During the course of my Engineering education I took up a project with WIPRO Technologies. This project, which I was offered, required extensive use of C programming language. This project, for the first time gave me a real world experience of programming. This association helped a lot in consolidating my programming skills, especially in C-language. Thus, it inculcated in me problem solving and analytical abilities. I strongly feel that the MCom program specializing in Finance at The Universityis a highly structured program because it provides the right balance between theory and practice. I bring along a strong grasp of fundamentals in Engineering and Mathematics, a penchant for teamwork and leadership and a zest for challenges. I would like to take with me in addition to the knowledge of the latest theory and practices in the field of Engineering, a network of strong and lasting relationships with my teachers and fellow-students. I hope my background and qualifications are found suitable for admission to the MCom program at The University. How to cite Gmat Statement of Purpose, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Hinduism, Buddism, And Confucianism Essay Example For Students
Hinduism, Buddism, And Confucianism Essay Hinduism, Buddism, And Confucianism Essay: A Comparison Hinduism, as well as Buddism, both came into existence in India. Both religions are similar in many ways. The religions both believe in reincarnation and that the specific purpose of their teachings is to escape this cycle. Buddhism is founded on the teachings of the Budda. He lived about 2500 years ago in India. There is no Bible of Buddism. The teachings of Budda were never written down until about 300 years after his death. Therefore, his teachings have been handed down by word of mouth. Budda was a noble man who gave up his riches to seek enlightenment. Buddism is based on his experience of Nirvana or enlightenment. His teachings are shown in the four noble truths and the eighfold path. Buddism has split into several sects by they have the same basic beliefs. Hinduism is an ancient religion. It has no known founder. It has several holy books. The most important of these is the Vedas, a collection of hymns. Hinduism like buddism believes in reincarnation. The goal of this religion is also to escape the birth-death cycle. Through Hinduism the entire Indian social structure was formed by creating the caste system. The major difference between Buddism and Hinduism is that Hindus believe in a god. Brahman is the spirit that encompasses all living things. There are several lesser gods who are believed to be incarnates of Brahman. Confucianism is a religious philosophy formed by the Chinese philosopher Kung-fu-Tsu. This philosophy came out of need during the warring states period of Chinese history. Kung-fu-Tsu was a teacher at the hundred schools. His prime concern was the improvement of society. Confucianism has no gods, and the only written history of this religion is in the Analects, a collection of his responses to his disciples questions. Kung-fu-Tsu believed that the improvement of society was the responsibility of the ruler and that the quality of government depended on the rulers moral character. This new way meant concern for others and adherance to the golden rule. Confucianism has had a greater and longer lasting influence on China than that of any other religious philosophy. All religions have a specific purpose, which is usually the betterment of society or of oneself. Religions grow out of need for greater understanding of what we are and how we got here. Most religions judge a man by his morality. Through this the man is either rewarded or punished for his deeds. Religion is used in all cultures to try and convince men of what is right or wrong and carries penalties that are greater than earthly treasures. Religion Essays .
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Marketing Quiz Essay Example
Marketing Quiz Essay University of the Southern Caribbean School of Business Principles of Marketing Take Home Assignment on Chapter 13-16 Name: __________________________________ ID_______________________ DATE__________ We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Quiz specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Quiz specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Quiz specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Refer to the scenario below to answer the following questions. Sectionà 1. In the 1970s, Shipshewana was only a small town with a hardware store, a grain mill, a shoe store, a small restaurant, and a grocery store. Over the next two decades, the small town transformed into an international tourist attraction, attracting thousands of tourists who are intrigued with the lifestyle of Shipshewanas largest population the Amish. Ben and Mary Miller, having grown up within the Amish faith, decided to capitalize on their towns popularity and their woodworking skills. Their shop, Indiana Wood, began with a small display of handmade hickory rocking chairs, Ben Millers specialty. But within a few months, the display at Indiana Wood included picnic tables, flower boxes, and small handmade novelty items. No other shop offers the same. Mary Miller decorated the shops display room with authentic Amish decor and eventually hired three Amish friends to sew and embroider napkins and other textiles per customer request. In addition, two women from the Amish community sought permission from the Millers to display home-baked pastries and jellies on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, the towns busiest tourist days, when Shipshewana attracts swarms of visitors to its flea market on the south edge of town. Shipshewana is full of specialty shops, Mary Miller stated. People dont come here to buy things made in China or Taiwan. They want real, Amish-made goods. 1. Indiana Wood is best classified as a(n) ________ retailer. A) full-service B) self-service C) limited-service D) discount E) off-price 2. Which of the following is most critical to Indiana Woods success? A) place B) price C) differentiation D) store atmosphere E) services mix 3. The Amish decor and shop workers give customers an authentic impression of the pride and skill built into the shops products. These aspects also contribute to the stores ________. A) product assortment B) services mix C) atmosphere D) segmentations E) targeting 4. Which of the following would be the most logical way for Indiana Wood to expand? A) establishing an online presence B) pursuing retail convergence C) implementing RFID inventory tracking D) establishing a community-gathering environment in the store E) joining a producers cooperative Refer to the scenario below to answer the following questions. John Mayes opened Sparkle Janitorial in 1999. John began by acquiring two contracts for office cleaning services from two local manufacturing facilities. For two years, John and his wife, Barb, performed the cleaning services alone. After acquiring three additional cleaning contracts in 2001, John hired two employees. Up to that point, we had room to grow but we really had no advertising plan, John stated. We were relying mostly on word-of-mouth. By 2003, Barb hired another two full-time employees to begin Sparkles new endeavor: carpet cleaning in homes and offices. Competition was getting tough for both of our services at that point, Barb added. We ran a local radio spot three times each week. Then we had an advertiser print coupons on placemats. That gave us a little more exposure. John and Barb Mayes admit that they never realized the value of a sound promotional plan before now. We wish we would have put together so mething catchy with a jingle way before now, they said. 5. Which of the following would be the LEAST effective way for John and Barb to reach new potential customers? A) word-of-mouth influence B) buzz marketing C) public relations D) network television advertising E) direct marketing 6. In a recent radio spot, John and Barb gave a quick explanation of Sparkles cleaning process and a description of the value consumers receive for their money. This is an example of a(n) ________. A) emotional appeal B) standard appeal C) rational appeal D) moral appeal E) social appeal Most of the clientele at Second Avenue have learned about the store through word-of-mouth communication. This small retailer of quality second-hand childrens clothing thrives on the sale of a vast inventory of childrens clothing placed there on consignment. Because small children grow so quickly, Second Avenues owner commented, they often outgrow many of their clothes before theyve hardly been worn! Second Avenue provides a way for people to sell their childrens clothing, earn a few dollars, and buy the next larger size. Were extremely picky about the condition of the clothing we stock, the owner stated, but we sell most items at a 60 percent discount. 7. Which of the following media options would MOST benefit Second Avenues promotional efforts given the stores limited budget? A) periodic advertising in a local newspaper B) daily advertisements on a local radio station C) weekly commercials during the local evening news D) a billboard placed on the interstate E) a link on the citys Chamber of Commerce Web site 8. Second Avenue wants to create a postcard to be sent to local families with young children. The postcard will include information about the stores typical inventory, store hours, and directions. Which of the following format elements can make the biggest difference in the success or failure of the direct mailing? A) copy B) headline C) illustration D) font E) color 9. The owner of Second Avenue wants to establish a community clothing drive to collect clothes for a local childrens shelter. The owner will set up collection barrels outside Second Avenue. Which of the following public relations tools is the owner using? A) press relations B) product publicity C) lobbying D) development E) public affairs 10. At Finleys Fine Goods, members of the sales force and marketing epartment tend to have disagreements when things go wrong with a customer. The marketers blame the salespeople for poorly executing their strategies, while the salespeople blame the marketers for being out of touch with the customer. Which of the following steps should upper-level management at Finleys Fine Goods take to help bring the sales and marketing functions closer together? A) establish a customer sales force structure B) establish a complex sales force structure C) appoint a new sales force manager D) adopt a sales force automation system E) appoint a chief revenue officer 11. Ultra-Tech, Inc. as decided to switch to a customer sales force structure. Which of the following advantages is the company now LEAST likely to enjoy? A) The company can become more customer-focused. B) The company can better serve different industries. C) The company can build closer relationships with important customers. D) The company can better serve current customers and find new customers. E) The company can expect salespeople to develop in-depth knowledge of numerous and complex product lines. 12. Johnson Business Solutions, Inc. , maintains one sales force for its copy machines and a separate sales force for its computer systems. Johnson Business Solutions utilizes a ________ structure. A) product sales force B) customer sales force C) territorial sales force D) a combination of B and C E) complex sales force 13. Morrill Motors splits the United States into 10 sales regions. Within each of those regions, the company maintains two sales teams? one for existing customers and one for prospects. What type of sales force structure does Morrill Motors use? A) territorial B) product C) customer D) complex E) workload 14. An IBM sales representative is giving a product demonstration to a Best Buy representative. Assisting with the demonstration are an engineer, a financial analyst, and an information systems specialist. If IBM wins the Best Buy account, then all four IBM representatives will service the Best Buy account. This is an example of ________. A) team selling B) territorial selling C) inside selling D) prospecting E) sales promoting 15. Sales have been slow recently at B B Materials, so management has organized a training program to improve the performance of its sales force. Which of the following would most likely lead to improved sales for B B Materials? A) tests to measure the analytic and organizational skills of the sales force B) information about the marketing strategies used by competitors C) tests to identify the personality traits of sales force members D) a time-and-duty analysis for each salesperson E) instructions on completing expense reports 16. The CEO of Comfy Carpet, Rick Hadley, was skeptical about Web-based training until his sales manager explained that online training is ________. A) time consuming and difficult to use B) used by all small companies C) dynamic and interactive D) cost competitive and efficient E) useful to customers 17. At Deck Decor, a manufacturer of outdoor furniture and accessories, the marketing and sales force objectives are to grow relationships with existing customers and to acquire new business. Which of the following compensation plans should management establish to encourage the sales force to pursue both of these objectives? A) straight salary B) straight commission C) salary plus bonus for new accounts D) commission plus bonus for new accounts E) salary plus commission plus bonus for new accounts 18. Mary Conti is sales manager for National Computer Training. She wants to evaluate the performance of her sales force that is responsible for the New England territory. Mary will most likely review all of the following in her evaluation EXCEPT ________. A) call plans B) sales reports C) call reports D) expense reports E) territorial sales and profit reports 19. The sales force of Conway Pools has qualified a number of leads. Which of the following will most likely occur next? A) The outside sales force will call on all prospects. B) The outside sales force will close the deal with one of the prospects. C) The outside sales force will learn as much as possible about the prospects. D) The inside sales force will attend meetings with qualified prospects. E) The inside sales force will put together a presentation for the prospects. Section 2 1. The wheel-of-retailing concept deals mainly with wholesalers rolling out reduced service levels. 2. The life cycle of new retail forms is getting longer. 3. Unlike mass marketers, niche marketers expect to see continued growth in their online sales. 4. Retail convergence means greater competition for retailers and greater difficulty in differentiating offerings. 5. The number of retailers creating communities for their customers is declining. 6. Like retailers, a wholesaler must decide on segmentation and targeting, differentiation and positioning, and the marketing mix. 7. In an automated warehouse, orders are fed directly from the retailers information system to the wholesalers, and the items are picked up by mechanical devices and taken to a shipping platform 8. The distinction between large retailers and large wholesalers is becoming blurred. 9. Mass marketers can expect consumers to distinguish between commercial message sources to maintain a clear image of a company and its brands. 10. The integrated marketing concept ties together all of the companys messages and images. 11. Integrated marketing communications allows brand messages to be developed by different departments within an organization. 12. A marketing communications director has overall responsibility for the companys communications efforts. 13. The communications process should start with mass media advertising to reach many consumers. 14. The four major communication functions are encoding, decoding, response, and noise. 15. Encoding is the process by which the receiver assigns meaning to symbols. 16. Decoding is the process of putting thought into symbolic form. 17. Awareness, knowledge, and preparation are buyer-readiness stages. 18. Teaser advertising is most closely associated with the buyer-readiness stage of liking a product. 19. There are three types of appeal from which marketers may choose as they design their message content. These types are rational, emotional, and moral appeals. 20. The Stop. Think. Tylenol. ad is an example of a moral appeal. 21. Although television advertising is expensive for corporations, the cost per exposure is relatively low. 22. Direct mail is one of the least expensive media on a per exposure basis. 23. The communication effects of advertisements and ad campaigns are more difficult to measure than the sales and profit effects. 24. In small and large companies, advertising is typically handled by an individual or team in the sales department. 25. Todays advertising agencies are staffed with specialists who can often perform advertising tasks better than a producer or retailers own employees can. 26. Recently, the increased use of online social networks and video sharing has reduced the need for advertising standardization for global brands. 27. Since China has lifted many of its international trade restrictions, corporations such as McDonalds and Coca- Cola now have only limited censorship rules governing their TV and radio advertising. 28. In an attempt to change the perception that milk was unhealthy, the National Fluid Milk Processors Education Program established an advertising campaign featuring celebrities with milk mustaches and the tag line Got Milk? 29. A company typically spends comparable budgets on public relations and advertising. 30. A companys Web site can be an important public relations vehicle. 31. What types of products may be sold through category killers? 32. What types of products do specialty stores carry? Give an example of a specialty store. 34. Describe the differences between chain stores and franchises. 35. Describe public relations and three of its main functions. 36. Identify four of the major media types and identify some of the strengths and weaknesses of each type. 37. Why do many companies invest in ongoing training for their salespeople? 38. Compare the four types of compensation plans available to salespeople. 39. Name and define the four major communication functions. 40. Explain how advertising may change as a product moves from the introductory stage to the growth stage of the product life cycle.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Commonly Confused Homophones Fir and Fur
Commonly Confused Homophones Fir and Fur The words fir and furà areà homophones: they sound alike but have different meanings. The noun fir refers to an evergreen tree with needle-shaped leaves. The noun fur refers to the soft, hairy coat of an animal or to a garment made of fur. Examples In an area where spruce and fir mingle with quaking aspen, in a cool shady well-watered place, I discover a blue columbine, rarest and loveliest of mountain flowers. (Edward Abbey)The longing for the silences of the Cascades, the smell of fir boughs at night, the touch of the chinook as it blew over the ridges - à these longings were almost irresistible in the oppressiveness of my New York City rooming house. (William O. Douglas)The main target of the fur trade initially was the beaver, whose soft fur was hammered and compressed to make felt hats for the European gentry. (Miron Heinselman)In winter, to keep out the pervasive Low Countries chill, men and women alike donned elegant fur-lined dressing gowns that were worn over all the other clothing at home and at the place of work. (Mike Dash) Practice Exercise (a) A cool evening breeze brought with it the smell of _____ trees and wild honeysuckle.(b) Beavers need a thick _____ coat to maintain an adequate body temperature in winter. Answers to Practice Exercise (a) A cool evening breeze brought with it the smell ofà firà trees and wild honeysuckle. (b) Beavers need a thickà furà coat to maintain an adequate body temperature in winter.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Competir Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, Examples
Competir Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, Examples The Spanish verb competir is a cognate of the English compete and typically has the same meaning. In some contexts, it is better translated as to compare with, to rival, or to fight for. Below youll find tables with the complete conjugation of competir.à How to Conjugate Competir in Spanish? Competir is a stem-changing verb, in this case meaning that in some situations the e in the stem becomes an i. The stem always changes when the second syllable is stressed. For example, I compete is compito instead of the regular competo. This changeà based on stress occurs in most of the indicative present, all of the subjunctive (present and preterite), and most of the imperative (or command) forms. Additionally, the compet- stem becomes compit- in the third-person indicative preterite and the gerund, even though the change occurs in an unstressed syllable. All these forms are shown below, along with the forms that follow the regular pattern for -ir verbs- the imperfect indicative, future indicative, and the conditional indicative. The past participle also is regular. About two dozen verbs follow this pattern. Among the most common are impedir (to prevent), repetir (to repeat), servir (to serve), and vestir (to dress). Competir Present Indicative Possible translations for the Spanish present tense include, in addition to compete, variations such as is competing and does compete. Yo compito I compete Yo compito por mi pas. T compites You compete T compites en el campeonato de Uruguay. Usted/l/ella compite You/he/she competes Ella compite por increbles premios. Nosotros competimos We compete Nosotros competimos para ser los mejores. Vosotros compets You compete Vosotras compets con otras mujeres. Ustedes/ellos/ellas compiten You/they compete Ellos compiten en la Copa Mundial. Competir Preterite The preterite (sometimes spelled preterit) is the equivalent of the simple past tense in English. It refers to actions that were completed at a definite time. Yo compet I competed Yo compet por mi pas. T competiste You competed T competiste en el campeonato de Uruguay. Usted/l/ella compiti You/he/she competed Ella compiti por increbles premios. Nosotros competimos We competed Nosotros competimos para ser los mejores. Vosotros competisteis You competed Vosotras competisteis con otras mujeres. Ustedes/ellos/ellas compitieron You/they competed Ellos compitieron en la Copa Mundial. Imperfect Indicative Form of Competir The imperfect tense is used for past actions that arent seen as being complete at a definite time. Common translations are was/were verb -ing and used to verb. Yo competa I was competing Yo competa por mi pas. T competas You were competing T competas en el campeonato de Uruguay. Usted/l/ella competa You/he/she was competing Ella competa por increbles premios. Nosotros competamos We were competing Nosotros competamos para ser los mejores. Vosotros competais You were competing Vosotras competais con otras mujeres. Ustedes/ellos/ellas competan You/they were competing Ellos competan en la Copa Mundial. Competir Future Tense As in English, the future tense of Spanish verbs can be used not only for future actions but also as a type of extremely emphatic command. Thus, for example, competirs can be not just a statement of fact about future competing but also as a way of forcefully telling someone to compete. Yo competir I will compete Yo competir por mi pas. T competirs You will compete T competirs en el campeonato de Uruguay. Usted/l/ella competir You/he/she will compete Ella competir por increbles premios. Nosotros competiremos We will compete Nosotros competiremos para ser los mejores. Vosotros competiris You will compete Vosotras competiris con otras mujeres. Ustedes/ellos/ellas competirn You/they will compete Ellos competirn en la Copa Mundial. Periphrastic Future of Competir The periphrastic future in Spanish is the equivalent of the going to verb future construction in English. It is less formal than the standard future tense. Yo voy a competir I am going to compete Yo voy a competir por mi pas. T vas a competir You are going to compete T vas a competir en el campeonato de Uruguay. Usted/l/ella va a competir You/he/she is going to compete Ella va a competir por increbles premios. Nosotros vamos a competir We are going to compete Nosotros vamos a competir para ser los mejores. Vosotros vais a competir You are going to compete Vosotras vais a competir con otras mujeres. Ustedes/ellos/ellas van a competir You/they are going to compete Ellos van a competir en la Copa Mundial. Competir Conditional Indicative Yo competira I would compete Yo competira por mi pas, pero no tengo el puntaje necesario. T competiras You would compete T competiras en el campeonato de Uruguay si no estuvieras enferma. Usted/l/ella competira You/he/she would compete Ella competira por increbles premios si estuviera en el concurso. Nosotros competiramos We would compete Nosotros competiramos para ser los mejores, pero no tenemos rivales. Vosotros competirais You would compete Vosotras competirais con otras mujeres si hubieran ms equipos. Ustedes/ellos/ellas competiran You/they would compete Ellos competiran en la Copa Mundial, pero no clasificaron. Competir Present Progressive/Gerund Form The Spanish gerund is much like the -ing verb form in English. It can be used with estar in forming the progressive or continuous tenses. Gerund of Competir:à compitiendoà (competing) Ella est compitiendo por increà bles premios.à Past Participle of Competir Past participles are used with haber in forming the perfect tenses. Participle ofà Competir:à competidoà (competed) Ella ha competido por increà bles premios. Present Subjunctive of Competir The subjunctive mood is used considerably more in Spanish than in English. It can be used in dependent clauses, often to indicate reactions to or specify causes for the stated action. Que yo compita That I compete El gobierno demanda que yo compita por mi pas. Que t compitas That you compete Es buena idea que t compitas en el campeonato de Uruguay. Que usted/l/ella compita That you/he/she compete Antonio quiere que ella compita por increbles premios. Que nosotros compitamos That we compete Es importante que nosotros compitamos para ser los mejores. Que vosotros compitis That you compete Estamos felices de que vosotras compitis con otras mujeres. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas compitan That you/they compete Me alegra que ellos compitan en la Copa Mundial. Competir Imperfect Subjunctive The two choices below are used in the same way, although the first is more common. Option 1 Que yo compitiera That I competed El gobierno demandaba que yo compitiera por mi pas. Que t compitieras That you competed Era buena idea que t compitieras en el campeonato de Uruguay. Que usted/l/ella compitiera That you/he/she competed Antonio quera que ella compitiera por increbles premios. Que nosotros compitiramos That we competed Era importante que nosotros compitiramos para ser los mejores. Que vosotros compitierais That you competed Estbamos felices de que vosotras compitierais con otras mujeres. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas compitieran That you/they competed Me alegraba que ellos compitieran en la Copa Mundial. Option 2 Que yo compitiese That I competed El gobierno demandaba que yo compitiese por mi pas. Que t compitieses That you competed Era buena idea que t compitieses en el campeonato de Uruguay. Que usted/l/ella compitiese That you/he/she competed Antonio quera que ella compitiese por increbles premios. Que nosotros compitisemos That we competed Era importante que nosotros compitisemos para ser los mejores. Que vosotros compitieseis That you competed Estbamos felices de que vosotras compitieseis con otras mujeres. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas compitiesen That you/they competed Me alegraba que ellos compitiesen en la Copa Mundial. Imperative Forms of Competir The imperative mood is used for direct commands. Imperative (Positive Command) T compite Compete! Compite en el campeonato de Uruguay! Usted compita Compete! Compita por los increbles premios! Nosotros compitamos Lets compete! Compitamos para ser los mejores! Vosotros competid Compete! Competid con otras mujeres! Ustedes compitan Compete! Compitan en la Copa Mundial! Imperative (Negative Command) T no compitas Dont compete! No compitas en el campeonato de Uruguay! Usted no compita Dont compete! No compita por los increbles premios! Nosotros no compitamos Lets not compete! No compitamos para ser los mejores! Vosotros no compitis Dont compete! No compitis con otras mujeres! Ustedes no compitan Dont compete! No compitan en la Copa Mundial!
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Sea Level Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Sea Level - Assignment Example Humans, animal life and natural resources face the direct effects of sea level change, global warming and climate change at large. The California Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for the development, implementation and enforcement of the states environmental protection laws (Ferrey 143). Cal/EPA aims to minimize air, water and land pollution. Therefore, the concerns addressed by the Cal/EPA are tailored towards the realization of human, animal and natural resource welfare, amid environmental hardships in the contemporary times. In this regard, sea level change and its impacts on human population, animal life and natural resources falls in the Cal/EPA docket. While the impacts of sea level change are both positive and negative, the need to address the causes of sea level change cannot be ignored. This is due to the fact that this scenario is being experienced as a result of climate change, characterized by persistent climate change. The threats posed by sea level change at all aspects of the state are significant to account for. In fact, this is not only a local, regional and national matter, but also an international undertaking. The Cal/EPA, through you and all its personnel is at a better position to quicken environmental advocacy in relation to sea level change. This is because, while outcome of sea level change may be devastating, this phenomenon continues to receive less than adequate attention across social, economic and political
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Discuss the roles and the purposes of higher education Should 50% of PowerPoint Presentation
Discuss the roles and the purposes of higher education Should 50% of 18-30 years old go to University - PowerPoint Presentation Example ide quality education so that it ensures that education outcomes that are both measurable and recognizable are attained especially in numeracy, communication, and literacy skills. Quality education will ensure that those who pass the system have the right qualifications (Layer 2002a,p.148). Students doing practicals Higher education in every institution ensures that the learners participate during election of their leaders. This will in turn boost their democratic right as well s a civil participation. This produces individual who will actively with in their countries and communities affair Higher education has the role of developing education whose content and methodologies aims at promoting individual social and cultural realities. This means that higher education ha the capacity of ensuring that the social aspect of individual is promoted. This produces an individual who can successfully socialize with others from different societal setting. Higher education also produces individuals who can appreciate different cultures from the world (Arche 2003,p.206). The institutions of higher education are charged with the process of national development and majorly they involved in development of their immediate societies. These institutions play a key role in uplifting lives in the community by establishing life-sustaining projects through 3xtension and community service. The research done in institutions of higher education, link the community and these institutions thus contributing directly to the welfare of the community (Catelles 2000, p.98). Institutions of higher education have well-trained teachers that equip the learners with adequate knowledge, attitudes, skills, and cultures, which will enable the learners to effect the much needed change in the society. In this regard the institutions produce holistic individuals. This means that the knowledge received in colleges and universities will enable them to agents of change in the society. The learners from
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Health and Social Care Essay Example for Free
Health and Social Care Essay There are many indicators of health to find out about my volunteers present health. Firstly, there is the peak flow meter. My volunteers peak flow reading is 410 therefore this shows that she shows no signs of asthma and her breathing rate is average and shows that her health is in a positive state. My volunteers BMI shows that she is slightly overweight keeping this in mind I have set her targets which will help her to have a average weight. Last of all, my volunteers blood pressure is approximately a reading of 120/80 mmHg which is in general an average reading of blood pressure. Therefore this shows that she does not show signs of high blood pressure and this also indicates that she is not under a lot of stress or pressure from work and studies. This also reveals that my volunteers present blood pressure is proportional to average and that her present health is essentially positive. Page 1Zoom in Page 1 2 3 4 5 Next Level: GCSE Subject: Health and Social Care Word count: 1506 Save View my saved documents Submit similar document Share this Health and Social Care Download this essay Print Save GCSE HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE An extract from this document Task 1: There are many indicators of health. Indicators of health can help you find out about an individuals health. The main indicators are: * Height weight charts * Body Mass Index (BMI) * Blood pressure * Peak flow meter * Resting pulse and recovery after exercise Height weight charts: When babies are born, they are weighed and measured regularly to display whether they are fed properly. They are also assessed to show their growth rates and see if they are growing properly. Also to see if the baby is underweight, overweight, average etc Additionally, they are weighed every week for the first two months of their lives. Body Mass Index (BMI): Body mass index is an indicator of good health as it measures the amount of fat in an individuals body in association to his or hers height. It is a formula used to show your body weight in relation to your height to see whether you are underweight, average or overweight. BMI equals weight in kilograms divided by height in meters. Blood pressure: Blood is carried from the heart to all parts of your body in vessels called arteries. Blood pressure is the pressure in which the blood is applied in the arteries and the force in which the heart pumps blood. According to Google, they define blood pressure as, the level of pressure that the blood exerts against the walls of the arteries as it passes through them. This is also a successful indicator of an individuals health as it measures how fast your heart is pumping blood therefore it advises you if you need to do certain things to help slow down the rate at which your heart pumps. As you can see, its a very positive thing and can help stop you from developing diseases such as heart disease and can make your kidney work harder which is very damaging. Blood pressure is very vital to the body and if it is average then your lifestyle will be much more satisfied. Peak Flow Meter: Another way of checking on your health is by using a peak flow meter. A peal flow meter is a special kind of instrument that measures the breathing rate and the volume of air taken in by an individual in the time of each breath. In addition, they are also used to distinguish how efficient a persons lungs are. To use a peak flow meter, a person has to blow as hard as he/she can into the mouthpiece and then examine the pointer and check the reading however you must do this three times to assure that you get an accurate reading. The measurement is used to estimate the width of the air flow in the bronchi. This is a positive indicator and you can use it to find out whether an individual is breathing properly or if they are managing their asthma correctly etc Resting pulse and recovery after exercise: A persons resting pulse rate is the pulse rate when a person is sitting still without moving. You can measure your pulse rate by placing pressure on your wrist or your neck. Your recovery heart rate is the number of beats per minute your heart drops when you stop moving. The higher the fitness levels the faster the drop in heart rate. The most common recovery heart rate can be measurement of up to 1 to 2 minutes however a complete recovery heart may consist of up to an hour. This is a positive indicator of health considering it shows how healthy and athletic your body is after exercise. If your heart does not pump that fast then you are in a healthy and fit state so your body can be affected by much less diseases or illnesses therefore it is very beneficial and helpful. Task 2: There are many indicators of health to find out about my volunteers present health. Firstly, there is the peak flow meter. My volunteers peak flow reading is 410 therefore this shows that she shows no signs of asthma and her breathing rate is average and shows that her health is in a positive state. My volunteers BMI shows that she is slightly overweight keeping this in mind I have set her targets which will help her to have a average weight. Last of all, my volunteers blood pressure is approximately a reading of 120/80 mmHg which is in general an average reading of blood pressure. Therefore this shows that she does not show signs of high blood pressure and this also indicates that she is not under a lot of stress or pressure from work and studies. This also reveals that my volunteers present blood pressure is proportional to average and that her present health is essentially positive. Task 4: I have set 3 targets for my volunteer to meet and stick to in order for her to improve her health. Those three targets that I have set are: 1) To have a balanced diet 2) To do regular exercise 3) To improve personal hygiene I think that to improve my volunteers health needs, she must stick to these particular targets so that her lifestyle can be developed and progressed so that she can achieve her overall needs. Task 5: Previously, I had chosen 3 targets for my volunteer to stick to in order to improve her health. Here is a health plan for each of those targets for my volunteer to know thoroughly how to improve and stick to her targets. Wash clothing and linens on a regular basis. However, the dilemma is germs and bacteria can develop and increase in your dirty clothes basket so try to be persistent on a weekly cleaning schedule.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Magical Realism :: Latin American Literature Essays
Magical Realism It is a long and unusual journey. I still wonder what it really is. I read the selections of four wonderful authors and I am still a little confused about the real history and theory of magical realism. I do know that before a person gets into this idea of magical realism, he or she really has to have a big imagination and willingness to learn about it. I guess what I am trying to say is that magical realism depends on who a person is and what a person is willing to believe. I thought that Franz Roh's selection was brief on magical realism. I see where Roh compared Magical Realism to Expressionism. He came up with different theories about how to look at certain things in the world. This essay was definitely deep and way out there. He talked about the different ways to represent something. "We recognize this world, although now-not only because we have emerged from a dream-we look on it with new eyes"(Roh 17). It was not just an everyday word, it had to be mystical, magical, fantasized etc. I really do not see how somebody could come up with such an idea. The whole point is he mixes reality with fantasy. In his selection, he talks about the supernatural, things such as aliens that really move some people. Magical Realism plays a major role in issues such as this. People have to go beyond the world and look just a little further. One's imagination will take them places of which they have never dreamed before. Some people swear up and down that aliens, UFO' s, and foreign space ships are not real. How do they know? I guess I will have to stick with Roh on believing in the existence of the supernatural, the magical, and the freaks of nature. Whether I understand completely or not, I think it is really neat how someone can go beyond the unthinkable. That is exactly what Roh does. Some things he talks about I cannot interpret, but I see his outline of it. I do not think there would be any interesting things to look forward to if someone did not use one's imagination and research on things that are mind boggling to the world today. Maybe if more people knew about this "magical realism, they would look at things differently. Angel Flores wrote about magical realism in a way that was hard for me to understand.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Depression : the Challenge on 21st Century Women Essay
DEPRESSION : A CHALLENGE ON 21ST CENTURY WOMEN The World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank discovered that depression is the fourth most disabling disease in the world, and is predicted to be the second largest contributor to the overall disease burden by 2020. Women experience depression twice as often as men. The ratio of 2:1 in depression between women and men has been consistent between different epidemiological studies over time (Bebbington, Dunn, Jenkin, Lewis, Brugha, Farell,& Meltzer, 1998). Surveys on clinical and general population show consistent results. Over the course of a lifetime, depression occurs in approximately 20% of women compared with 10% of men. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) study in 1980 shows a lifetime depression of 10.2% in the general population, of which 70% are women and 30% men (Nolen-Hoeksema, 1990). According to the survey on psychiatric morbidity in Malaysian adults in 1996 (Maniam, Ding, Lim, Toh, Aziz et al., 1997), using the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ12) administered to 35,733 respondents aged 16 years and above, depression and anxiety were the main psychological symptoms reported. The estimated prevalence of emotional disorders was higher in women (10.5%) as compared to men (8.5%), with higher rates reported in Negeri Sembilan and other states in East Peninsular including Pahang, Kelantan, Terengganu, and Sabah. The highest rate was reported among widows (29.1%) and divorcees (20.5%). On these centuries, women are facing too much problem that might cause a depression among them. A family is members are the people who we almost closed and see every day. However, on this decade, there are large populations with womenââ¬â¢s become independent. Some always left at home by husband and childrenââ¬â¢s who going to work, schools, and study overseas or getting married again. From an interview with Pn.Nor, she was a independent and hardworking woman. She get the disorder when her brother betrayed her and find out that her husband has remarried somebody else. That is show how family is a main caused to women to get these disorders. Other than that, financial is a real matters. There are a cases from Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah, Klang, where there is a patient died from suicide. It was a Indian women, she feel sad and has no courage to life because her husband has pass away. With no source of money, she could not send her children to schools, paying tuition, buy household items and such as. At the end, she attempt to suicide. Changing a jobs or workplace also can be a factor. Some management need their workers increased their sale, assets and such as in limited time. Co-workers like to spread gossips and had negative perceptions towards newbie. In a workplace, womenââ¬â¢s get to many problems such as sexual harassment, defamation and others. For some people, a tragic event that happened in recent, or even the distant past still brings great sorrow to them. They allow their minds to dwell on it when they should have let it go long ago so that they can move on with their lives. In life, sad experiences are aplenty: Tragic events are inevitable such as the death of a dearly loved one or unanticipated such as the breakup of an intimate relationship. Social network such as twitter, facebook and myspace had a terrible effect especially on womenââ¬â¢s such as teenagers, who often chatting with strangers and a women who been tricked with black money agenda. For a women who facing serious illness on family or herself, it could give impact to them emotionally. There are occupational therapy patient which she could not use her hand properly. It is hard to work when always depend to people. She even could not tie her hair, brush her teeth, cooking or do anything because she could not move or even feel the hand was there.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Advertising Appeals
Dissertation On Study of advertising appeals used by the top Indian brands and its impact on consumer purchase. By SHARMAà PRATEEK JAYANT A0102210041 MBA (M&S) Class of 2012 Under the Supervision of Mrs. TEENA BAGGA FACULTY Department of Marketing In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration ââ¬âMarketing & Sales AMITY BUSINESS SCHOOL AMITY UNIVERSITY UTTAR PRADESH, SECTOR 125, NOIDA ââ¬â 201303, UTTAR PRADESH, INDIA-2011 AMITY BUSINESS SCHOOL DECLARATION I, Sharma Prateek Jayant student of Masters of Business Administration from Amity Business School, Amity University Uttar Pradesh hereby declare that I have completed Dissertation on ââ¬Å"Study of advertising appeals used by the top Indian brands and its impact on consumer purchase. â⬠I further declare that the information presented in this project is true and original to the best of my knowledge. Date: Sharma Prateek Jayant Enrollment No: A0102210041 MBA Class of 2010 Place: Noida AMITYUNIVERSITY UTTAR PRADESH AMITYBUSINESSSCHOOL CERTIFICATE Dissertation: Progress Review Stage 1 I, Mrs. Teena Bagga hereby certify that Sharma Prateek Jayant student of Masters of Business Administration at Amity Business School, Amity University Uttar Pradesh has completed first two chapters of dissertation on ââ¬Å"Study of advertising appeals used by the top Indian brands and its impact on consumer purchaseâ⬠, under my guidance Mrs. Teena Bagga Faculty Department of Marketing TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER- 1 INTRODUCTION 1. 1 Advertising appeals: The Indian ââ¬Å"TOP BRANDSâ⬠perspective 1. 2 Purpose of the study 1. 3 Context to the study CHAPTER- 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1. 1 Advertising appeals: The Indian ââ¬Å"TOP BRANDSâ⬠perspective. The reason to buy any product of any brand is derived by an advertising appeal. An advertising campaign can have more than one advertising appeal. Only one appeal can be used and it can have sub themes in an advertising campaign. The appeal must be unique and must give a positive impression about the product/brand to the target audience. Every appeal that is used by the brands in advertising is as per their competitors. Also, an important aspect of appeal is that it needs to be believable by the audience (Kumar, 1998). The audience tries to comprehend the advertisement and only then their purchase behavior gets inclined towards the brand. Only when the audience behavior is molded by the advertiser towards the brand, their purpose of advertisement is achieved. In order to do so advertisers understand the psychological aspects of the audience and then they try to develop the advertising appeal which can position their attitude towards the brand. For the advertiser it is very important to understand ââ¬Å"How the diffusion of the message takes place in the target audienceâ⬠. And in order to have a positive diffusion advertiser creates a favorable environment. Advertising mediums play an important role in the advertising message as it directly affects the mind of the target audience. These mediums can be Television, Radio, Internet, Print etc. Psychologists feel that all the human activities are based on the needs (Lamb et al. , 1992, Schewe, 1987). A consumer may have different types of needs like physiological, physical or latent. An individual who has a specific need always looks for the information from the marketing world. When there is a cue which is as per the need of the consumer, then an individual responds for the product/brand. Drivers that are present in individuals, vary at different levels. Consumers may be inclined towards the product because of the aura of prestige which is associated with the advertising appeals. Advertising appeal is the main central message in the advertising message. It arouses the desires and addresses the human need that can be satisfied by the product/brand which is advertised. Appeal is the underlying content in advertising. Advertising appeal and execution are usually interdependent. Advertising appeal can be used in all types of media but the execution style is different for different type of media. Advertising appeal is something which attracts the consumers and develops interest in esteem, sex, fear, security and sensory pleasure. Advertiser uses the word appeal to emphasize on the creativity. Commonly appeals persuade the consumer to invest in the product. Appeals not always have all the product attributes but they create an atmosphere where the target audienceââ¬â¢s desires are evoked towards the product. For example, if there is a product for the housewives then the appeal would be related to family. The Indian top brands for the year 2011: India Rank (2011) | Brand Name| Category| | Amul| Milk Powder/Milk/Ice cream| 2| Kingfisher| Beer/Full-service airlines| 3| Big Bazaar| Retail| 4| ICICI Bank| Bank| 5| State Bank Of India| Bank| 6| Airtel| Mobile service provider| 7| LIC| Insurance| 8| Cafe Coffee Day| Coffee| 9| Titan| Watch| 10| Lakme| Cosmetics| SOURCE: Campaign Magazine which releases Asiaââ¬â¢s top 1000 brand list every year. have had the best of the advertisi ng mixes with appeals reaching to the audience 1. 2 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY To find out the extent to which consumer purchase gets affected by advertising appeals used by the top Indian brands. . 3 CONTEXT TO THE STUDY Everyday consumers are bombarded with different advertising campaigns but they do not respond to everything as they need something other than just tangibles. There is a need to explore something more than tangibles that can attract their attention. The top brands in India have been able to do this in an excellent manner and today they have reached the top of the charts for the same reason. They were able to do this by using appropriate advertising appeals in their advertising campaigns. CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF LITERATURE â⬠¢ (Verma, 2009) No communication is complete without feedback or reaction. The intent behind advertising is to persuade consumers to purchase and repurchase the product over and over again, but does the consumer respond to all communications sent by the advertisers? The human brain has a limited processing capacity and consumers have the tendency to process the most useful and appealing information first. Advertisers use different types of appeals and demonstrations to attract and retain customers, but the literature review shows very less work on evaluating the differential impact of various types f appeals on consumer purchase decisions. This study empirically tests the differential influence various advertising appeals create on consumer purchase decisions. â⬠¢ (J. Hornik, August 2010) Marketing managers and scholars have focused substantial attention on the role of advertising message appeal in the persuasion process. The most common appeals (fear, humor, sex, comparative, gain/loss frame, t wo or one sided, and metaphor) have been compared to determine their relative effectiveness. Separate analysis for each response variable, to assess the contribution of several moderating effects on the results has also been performed. A test of heterogeneity indicated the presence of moderators on observed relationships. To supplement the quantitative analysis, a qualitative comparative analysis has been done. Results show that the overall appeal effect between conditions is of small to moderate size and that profound differences exist between appeals while some moderating variables have significant effects on effect sizes in appeal studies. All methods provided the opportunity to obtain results of theoretical and practical interest. â⬠¢ (Nathalie Dens, Sept. 2010) The aim of this study is to investigate interaction effects between branding strategy (new brand versus established brand), advertising execution strategies (informational, positive emotional and negative emotional) and product category involvement (low and high) on consumersââ¬â¢ attitudes towards the product, purchase intention and the (parent) brand. Two analyses are performed in which involvement is manipulated at product category and at individual level. The results show that in general, line extensions of established brands are preferred over new brands. Furthermore, advertising strategy has little impact on consumer responses to line extensions of familiar brands. The type of advertising strategy used does have a significant impact on product and brand attitude and purchase intention for new brands, where negative emotional appeals lead to significantly more negative responses. The results are further moderated by product category involvement. Informational appeals score especially well in high-involvement situations, whereas positive emotional appeals perform better in low-involvement situations. Interestingly, the differences between advertising appeals in both low- and high-involvement conditions are greater for new brands than for extensions. â⬠¢ (Mishra, 2009) Everyday consumers are bombarded with different advertising campaigns but they do not respond as they need something other than tangibles. There is need to explore something more than tangibles that can attract their attention. This can be done by using appropriate advertising appeal in the advertising campaign. If advertising appeal is interesting then it grabs the attention of the customers. It was revealed that persuasiveness, distinctness, perfectness, fascinating, sensational, energetic, aesthetic, elegant and captivating were the factors that emerged for the advertising appeal and dimensions were energetic, sensational, persuasiveness, distinctness and captivating. Factor and dimensions are compared on the basis of gender. It was found that persuasiveness, perfectness, sensational factors and energetic, sensational and persuasiveness dimensions do not vary on the basis of gender as males and females both feel that these factors and dimensions are important but females perceive that distinctness factor and dimension and aesthetic factor is more important than males but for males fascinating factor is more important than the females. â⬠¢ As per the books referred There are mainly two types of appeals rational and emotional appeals. Rational appeal addresses the consumerââ¬â¢s functional needs of the product. Kotler (2000) opined that rational appeal is based on logic and product are been sold by highlighting the product attributes, quality, its problem solving capacity and its performance. Rational appeals are informative in nature and it focuses on the suitability of the product. This appeal is used by consumer durables and in competitive advertising. There are different types of rational appeal like feature appeal that focuses on important traits and features of the product. Information content in such kind of advertisement is very rich. It is used by high involvement product. There is another type of appeal named as competitive advantage appeal which gives a comparative picture of two or more brands. Comparison can be direct or indirect depending upon the brand and the product category. Price appeal is another type of rational appeal which focuses on the price or value of the product. This appeal is also used during the festival season. News appeal is used when a new product is introduced in the market or if certain modifications are done in the existing products. When the message is to be communicated to a larger audience and it is the established brand then popularity appeal is used as it emphasizes on the experience of the satisfied consumers. Rational appeals are based on the logic and reason to buy to product. In the actual scenario both the appeals i. e. , rational and emotional appeals works together. Emotional appeals are woven with the sensation of fun, love, enjoyment, fear etc. Ramaswamy and Namakumari, 2002). Kotler (2000) opined that there could be positive emotions as well as negative emotions but in the advertising campaign negative emotions can be converted to positive emotions. Emotional appeal is the feeling associated with the product. There are certain dreams and hope which are present in the individual which works consciously or subconsciously and gives pleasant feeling in the individualââ¬â¢ s psyche. Emotions also help in arousing and directing the behavior of an individual (Morris, 1999). Emotions also affect the consumerââ¬â¢s memory. When the state of mind is excited or agitated then it prompts the consumer to buy the product (Chunawalla et al, 1998). Therefore, emotional appeals are known as transformational appeals as they transform the feelings of the consumers towards the product. It gives positive mood to the consumers as it is related to the psychological attribute of the consumer. Emotional appeals are more effective for the older market then the newer or the younger market. When the emotional appeals are used in the advertising then consumption pattern of the product is very enjoyable. Sex appeal is used in the advertisement of soaps Audience is attracted as the desire is evoked and then it helps in selling the product. Sex appeal mainly helps in attracting the opposite gender masculine or feminine (Wright, 2000). According to Bradley (1995) sex appeal considered to be an offence sometimes depending upon the culture and the country but if the sex appeal is not obscene then it is acceptable in the society. For the perfumes and cosmetics love appeal is used. These appeals are used more younger generation.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie "Ten little Indians going out to dine; One went and choked his little self and then there were nine. Nine little Indian boys sat up very late; One overslept himself and then there were eight. Eight little Indian boys traveling to Devon; One got left behind and then there were seven. Seven little Indian boys gathering up sticks; One chopped himself in half and then there were six. Six little Indian boys playing with a hive; A bumblebee stung one and then there were five. Five little Indian boys going in for law; One got in chancery and then there were four.Four little Indian boys going out to sea; A red herring swallowed one and then there were three. Three little Indian boys walking to the zoo; A big bear hugged one and then there were two. Two little Indians playing with a gun; One shot the other and then there was one.English: River Thames - Wargrave. Shallow fog over...One little Indian boy left all alone; He went and hung himself and then there were none." Ten Indian figures made of china seem harmless right? Would they determine your fate? Or would you not even notice they are there? What if they slowly disappeared and you had no thought of as why. How would you look at life now?What is theme? Theme is merely the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work. There are many themes that provide detail to the story starting with the Administration of Justice. Most murder mysteries examine justiceits violation, through the act of murder, and its restoration, through the work of a detective who solves the crime and ensures that the murderer pays for his or her deed. "And Then There Were None" examines justice, but it bends the formula by making the victims of murder...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Company Profile of Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltdââ¬Â
â⬠[pic] Founder Late A. C. Abdur Rahim (1915-1982) Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited 01. Background Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited was established in 1950A. D. as a trading company. Late A. C. Abdur Rahim was the proprietor in this time. From 1954 it was established as a limited company. In the new environment he had to start afresh. He had little capital. His main assets were self-confidence and a strong faith in the Almighty, which carried him through all the difficulties with a remarkable triumph. He finally established a small proprietary trading company named Rahimafrooz Co, in Chittagong in 1950 which was later incorporated on 15th April 1954, which is now Rahimafrooz (Bangladesh) Ltd. Rahimafrooz expanded rapidly into various trading items. Within 5 years, Mr. Rahim was able to enter into a joint venture with Lucas (UK) to set up a modern automotive battery factory. He acquired the principal company Lucas Service Ltd in 1980 which is now known as Rahimafrooz Batteries Ltd. Apart from business, he engaged himself in benevolent activities. All through his life he was respected for his values and caring attitude. After a few years he left that job and ventured into a small partnership business. During early 1940s, he got active in commercial trading of scarce items and gained valuable experience. In 1947, he decided to move to Chittagong to live in an environment of religious freedom. pic] Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited was started in business agreement with world famous England battery company Lucas from 1959. Later on, they established an ultramodern battery production factory in Nakhalpara Tejgaon, Dhaka with the ââ¬Å"Lucasâ⬠Brand name. Then from 1980 it got license from the England Lucas Company collaborating technological and inf ormation support. He passed away on the 14th March 1982 in London leaving behind his dream, Rahimafrooz. At present Rahimafrooz has been producing and marketing various kinds of batteries like automotive battery, storage battery etc. Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd. lso has been marketing world famous tire ââ¬Å"Dunlopâ⬠. Now Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd. is involved with various kinds of production distribution and agency ship business. 02. Vision ââ¬Å"To be leader in each market segment by being the most preferred supply source of quality products and services with high degree of customer delight. â⬠03. Mission Statement 1. â⬠¢ Increase volume value share 2. â⬠¢ Reduce per unit distribution cost 3. â⬠¢ Increase product portfolio 4. â⬠¢ Strength distribution network 5. â⬠¢ Ensure quality people with high level commitment 6. â⬠¢ Benchmark customer services. 04. Milestones |1954 |Incorporated by Mr. A. C. Abdur Rahimà | |1959 |Distributorship of Lucas Battery | |1978 |Exclusive distributorship of Dunlop tyre | |1980 |Acquisition of Bangladesh operations of Lucas UK | |1985 |First producer of industrial battery | |1985 |Pioneering Solar Power in collaboration with BP | |1992 |First ever battery exports to Singapore | |1993 |Launched Rahimafrooz Instant Power System | |1994 |Acquisition of Yuasa Batteries (Bangladesh) Ltd and launched Excel Retreads. |1997 |Attained ISO 9002 certification for RBL operations | |2000 |First India office opened in Ahmedabad | |2001 |Awarded ââ¬Å"Bangladesh Enterprise of the Yearâ⬠| |2001 |Attained ISO 14001:1996 for RBL operations | |2001 |Launched ââ¬Å"Agoraâ⬠ââ¬â the first ever retail chain | |2002 |Launched Rahimafrooz Energy Service promoting distributed power | |2003 |Established Rahimafrooz CNG Ltd. |2003 |Awarded ââ¬Å"National Export Trophyâ⬠| |2004 |Metro net Bangladesh, a fiber optic based digital solution p rovider for dataà communication, launchedà in joint | | |venture with Flora Telecom | |2004 |Received McGraw-Hill Platt Global Energy Award for Renewable Energy | |2004 |The Group celebrated its 50th anniversary on April 15, with a renewed, enhanced commitment to being successful | | |while upholding its core values | |2006 |Received the ââ¬Å"Ashden Awardâ⬠for Sustainable Energy | |2009 |Established Rahimafrooz Globatt Limited and Rahimafrooz Accumulators à limited | |2009 |Rahimafroozà launchedà multià brandà consumerà electronicsà outletà UREKAà | |2009à |Rahimafroozà launched world renowned consumer electronics brandà Daewoo | |2010 |Rahimafrooz Inaugurates its biggest and most modern warehouse at Hemayatpur, Savar. | 05. Product Service Products: Rahimafrooz mainly deals with electronics products like (TV, FRIEDGE, IPS, BATTERY, TYRE, LUBRICANTS etc). The brands that Rahimafrooz launch are given belowâ⬠¦ [pic] Service: Rahimafrooz Ba ngladesh Ltd service center is situated in 13 Mahakhali commercial areas in Dhaka. Here the product of Rahimafrooz is sold and servicing also. Here the service is done in modern computerized system. The complaints are also solved and handle from here. [pic] 06. Organization chart [pic] 07. Awards Achievements [pic]à à [pic]à à à [pic] Asiaââ¬â¢s Best Brandà à à à à à à Asiaââ¬â¢s Best Employerà à à à à C FE,à CSRà à à à à à à à à à à à CMO Award 2010à à à à à CMO Award 2010à à à à à à à à à à à Award 2008 [pic]à à à à [pic]à à à à à [pic] Brand Leadershipà à à à à à à à à Ashden Awardà à à à à à National Export Trophy à à à à Award 2008à à à à à à à à à à à à Award 2006à à à à à à à à à à à Award 2001-2002 08. Delivery Network The manufacturer and wholesaler must decide how to distribute their products. Working through the whole sellers, dealers or agents generally is easiest way of entering in the market. Whole sellers and dealers consider about cost and traffic flow, commission before keeping a product in the store. Location is less a concern for products or services that customers are willing to go out of their way to find. 08. 1: Dealers They are the authorized vendor who deals with the specific brand. (John M. Rathmell, Manager of the Marketing Function. John Wiley Sons, Inc. ) 08. 2: Retailers Traditional: Home to home, general stores, single line stores, specialty shops, department stores, catalog retailers, planned shopping centers The Mass Marketers: Supermarkets and discount houses (John M. Rathmell, Managing the Marketing Function. John Wiley Sons, Inc. ) 08. 3: Wholesalers Definition: Wholesaling is concerned with the activities of those persons or establishments who sell to retailers and other merchants, or to industrial, institutional, and commercial users. But who do not sell in significant amounts to ultimate consumers. But in the tyre market, the wholesaler serves the purpose of the retailer at the same time. Functions from the producer perspective: provide part of selling Four strategies can be produced through the tows matrix. SO strategy represents internal strength to take advantage with the external environment. WO strategy represents the internal weakness and to overcome that weakness by the external opportunity. ST strategy represents the strength of the company and to over come that the threat by the strength. WT strategies are defensive tactics directed at reducing internal weakness and avoiding external threats. 09. Advertising Promotion [pic] Rahimafrooz Company limited carefully integrates and coordinates its many communications channels to deliver a clear, consistent, and convincing message about the organization and its products. [pic]Rahimafrooz is using all kinds of promotional afford including: â⬠¢Print Media â⬠¢Broadcast media â⬠¢Outdoor Media â⬠¢Internet Websites Rahimafrooz is using huge promotional afford in print media. This is the biggest promotional afford ofà the company. They are giving advertisement on the news paper, they are also publishing there own newsletter service through by them. [pic] [pic] Promotion, in its broadest sense, provides extra incentives for any group that is an important factor in the marketing of a brand. It is most often directed to the consumer or to the trade or other influential group. It is used to encourage sales or purchase a product. (Principal of marketing 8th edition Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong) 09. 1: TRADE SALES PROMOTION TECHNIQUES Push Policy emphasizes promotions focused on the next intermediary. Trade sales promotion techniques-stimulate wholesalers and retailers to carry products and to market them aggressively. Producers use sales promotion techniques to encourage resellers to carry their products and to promote them more effectively. 09. 2: TYPES OF SALES PROMOTIONS Samples (offer consumer for trail), Coupon (certificate that gives buyer savings), Cash refund (Refund money who send a proof of purchase), Price pack (Reduce price marked by producer), Patronage reward (reward for regular use), Discounts (direct reduction of price), Allowance (money offered to the seller to feature the manufactures product) (Principal of marketing 8th edition Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong) 09. 3: PREMIUM ITEMS OFFER Offer free or at minimum cost as a bonus. Use to attract competitors customers, different sizes of established products. Study identified from the net that Burger King with the Lion King movie was offered few years back in USA. 10. SWOT Analysis The SWOT analysis is a valuable step in your situational analysis. Assessing your firmââ¬â¢s strengths, weaknesses, market opportunities, and threats through a SWOT analysis is a very simple process that can offer powerful insight into the potential and critical issues affecting a venture. 10. 1: Strength o High company reputation. o Enable to provide much more customer satisfaction than competitors. o Higher product quality. o Provide higher service quality. o Distribution effectiveness is better than the others. o Strong management team enables to provide geographical coverage. o Able to launch a new product faster than the competitor o Financial position is much more stable than the other. 10. 2: Weakness o The major weakness of Rahimafrooz is the internal conflict of the management. Working sprit sometimes hampered by management conflict of the organization. o Though Rahimafrooz has a very good team for the marketing plan, but not all the people are experienced. o Communication barrier is the major weakness of the organization. o Expectation of the top management is very high. Sometimes they set very high target which is not achievable at all time. Sometimes it becomes burden for the employee. 10. 3: Opportunity o To get new customers after modification. o To provide more qualities in products. o Providing more benefit for products to increase more customer satisfaction. o Increasing the advertisement. o Increasing the distribution channel. Incentive for the employee who dose outstanding performance in their respective area. 10. 4: Threat o Major threat arises from the new entrants. o Many competitors in the electronic market. o Unethical competition. Such as, price cut, advertising, giving gift by the competitor may threaten position of Unilever. o Following th e same strategy by the competitors. o Worsening law and order situation of the country. o Availability of the substitute product in the market. ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â MANAGING DIRECTOR ACCOUNTS MANAGER REGIONAL MANAGER DISTRIBUTION MANAGER MARKETING MANAGER CHIEF OPERATION OFFICER PRODUCT MANAGER ADMIN MGR C F MANAGER NI SYSTEM DIRET SALE RETAIL MGR Company Profile of Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltdâ⬠â⬠[pic] Founder Late A. C. Abdur Rahim (1915-1982) Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited 01. Background Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited was established in 1950A. D. as a trading company. Late A. C. Abdur Rahim was the proprietor in this time. From 1954 it was established as a limited company. In the new environment he had to start afresh. He had little capital. His main assets were self-confidence and a strong faith in the Almighty, which carried him through all the difficulties with a remarkable triumph. He finally established a small proprietary trading company named Rahimafrooz Co, in Chittagong in 1950 which was later incorporated on 15th April 1954, which is now Rahimafrooz (Bangladesh) Ltd. Rahimafrooz expanded rapidly into various trading items. Within 5 years, Mr. Rahim was able to enter into a joint venture with Lucas (UK) to set up a modern automotive battery factory. He acquired the principal company Lucas Service Ltd in 1980 which is now known as Rahimafrooz Batteries Ltd. Apart from business, he engaged himself in benevolent activities. All through his life he was respected for his values and caring attitude. After a few years he left that job and ventured into a small partnership business. During early 1940s, he got active in commercial trading of scarce items and gained valuable experience. In 1947, he decided to move to Chittagong to live in an environment of religious freedom. pic] Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited was started in business agreement with world famous England battery company Lucas from 1959. Later on, they established an ultramodern battery production factory in Nakhalpara Tejgaon, Dhaka with the ââ¬Å"Lucasâ⬠Brand name. Then from 1980 it got license from the England Lucas Company collaborating technological and inf ormation support. He passed away on the 14th March 1982 in London leaving behind his dream, Rahimafrooz. At present Rahimafrooz has been producing and marketing various kinds of batteries like automotive battery, storage battery etc. Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd. lso has been marketing world famous tire ââ¬Å"Dunlopâ⬠. Now Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd. is involved with various kinds of production distribution and agency ship business. 02. Vision ââ¬Å"To be leader in each market segment by being the most preferred supply source of quality products and services with high degree of customer delight. â⬠03. Mission Statement 1. â⬠¢ Increase volume value share 2. â⬠¢ Reduce per unit distribution cost 3. â⬠¢ Increase product portfolio 4. â⬠¢ Strength distribution network 5. â⬠¢ Ensure quality people with high level commitment 6. â⬠¢ Benchmark customer services. 04. Milestones |1954 |Incorporated by Mr. A. C. Abdur Rahimà | |1959 |Distributorship of Lucas Battery | |1978 |Exclusive distributorship of Dunlop tyre | |1980 |Acquisition of Bangladesh operations of Lucas UK | |1985 |First producer of industrial battery | |1985 |Pioneering Solar Power in collaboration with BP | |1992 |First ever battery exports to Singapore | |1993 |Launched Rahimafrooz Instant Power System | |1994 |Acquisition of Yuasa Batteries (Bangladesh) Ltd and launched Excel Retreads. |1997 |Attained ISO 9002 certification for RBL operations | |2000 |First India office opened in Ahmedabad | |2001 |Awarded ââ¬Å"Bangladesh Enterprise of the Yearâ⬠| |2001 |Attained ISO 14001:1996 for RBL operations | |2001 |Launched ââ¬Å"Agoraâ⬠ââ¬â the first ever retail chain | |2002 |Launched Rahimafrooz Energy Service promoting distributed power | |2003 |Established Rahimafrooz CNG Ltd. |2003 |Awarded ââ¬Å"National Export Trophyâ⬠| |2004 |Metro net Bangladesh, a fiber optic based digital solution p rovider for dataà communication, launchedà in joint | | |venture with Flora Telecom | |2004 |Received McGraw-Hill Platt Global Energy Award for Renewable Energy | |2004 |The Group celebrated its 50th anniversary on April 15, with a renewed, enhanced commitment to being successful | | |while upholding its core values | |2006 |Received the ââ¬Å"Ashden Awardâ⬠for Sustainable Energy | |2009 |Established Rahimafrooz Globatt Limited and Rahimafrooz Accumulators à limited | |2009 |Rahimafroozà launchedà multià brandà consumerà electronicsà outletà UREKAà | |2009à |Rahimafroozà launched world renowned consumer electronics brandà Daewoo | |2010 |Rahimafrooz Inaugurates its biggest and most modern warehouse at Hemayatpur, Savar. | 05. Product Service Products: Rahimafrooz mainly deals with electronics products like (TV, FRIEDGE, IPS, BATTERY, TYRE, LUBRICANTS etc). The brands that Rahimafrooz launch are given belowâ⬠¦ [pic] Service: Rahimafrooz Ba ngladesh Ltd service center is situated in 13 Mahakhali commercial areas in Dhaka. Here the product of Rahimafrooz is sold and servicing also. Here the service is done in modern computerized system. The complaints are also solved and handle from here. [pic] 06. Organization chart [pic] 07. Awards Achievements [pic]à à [pic]à à à [pic] Asiaââ¬â¢s Best Brandà à à à à à à Asiaââ¬â¢s Best Employerà à à à à C FE,à CSRà à à à à à à à à à à à CMO Award 2010à à à à à CMO Award 2010à à à à à à à à à à à Award 2008 [pic]à à à à [pic]à à à à à [pic] Brand Leadershipà à à à à à à à à Ashden Awardà à à à à à National Export Trophy à à à à Award 2008à à à à à à à à à à à à Award 2006à à à à à à à à à à à Award 2001-2002 08. Delivery Network The manufacturer and wholesaler must decide how to distribute their products. Working through the whole sellers, dealers or agents generally is easiest way of entering in the market. Whole sellers and dealers consider about cost and traffic flow, commission before keeping a product in the store. Location is less a concern for products or services that customers are willing to go out of their way to find. 08. 1: Dealers They are the authorized vendor who deals with the specific brand. (John M. Rathmell, Manager of the Marketing Function. John Wiley Sons, Inc. ) 08. 2: Retailers Traditional: Home to home, general stores, single line stores, specialty shops, department stores, catalog retailers, planned shopping centers The Mass Marketers: Supermarkets and discount houses (John M. Rathmell, Managing the Marketing Function. John Wiley Sons, Inc. ) 08. 3: Wholesalers Definition: Wholesaling is concerned with the activities of those persons or establishments who sell to retailers and other merchants, or to industrial, institutional, and commercial users. But who do not sell in significant amounts to ultimate consumers. But in the tyre market, the wholesaler serves the purpose of the retailer at the same time. Functions from the producer perspective: provide part of selling Four strategies can be produced through the tows matrix. SO strategy represents internal strength to take advantage with the external environment. WO strategy represents the internal weakness and to overcome that weakness by the external opportunity. ST strategy represents the strength of the company and to over come that the threat by the strength. WT strategies are defensive tactics directed at reducing internal weakness and avoiding external threats. 09. Advertising Promotion [pic] Rahimafrooz Company limited carefully integrates and coordinates its many communications channels to deliver a clear, consistent, and convincing message about the organization and its products. [pic]Rahimafrooz is using all kinds of promotional afford including: â⬠¢Print Media â⬠¢Broadcast media â⬠¢Outdoor Media â⬠¢Internet Websites Rahimafrooz is using huge promotional afford in print media. This is the biggest promotional afford ofà the company. They are giving advertisement on the news paper, they are also publishing there own newsletter service through by them. [pic] [pic] Promotion, in its broadest sense, provides extra incentives for any group that is an important factor in the marketing of a brand. It is most often directed to the consumer or to the trade or other influential group. It is used to encourage sales or purchase a product. (Principal of marketing 8th edition Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong) 09. 1: TRADE SALES PROMOTION TECHNIQUES Push Policy emphasizes promotions focused on the next intermediary. Trade sales promotion techniques-stimulate wholesalers and retailers to carry products and to market them aggressively. Producers use sales promotion techniques to encourage resellers to carry their products and to promote them more effectively. 09. 2: TYPES OF SALES PROMOTIONS Samples (offer consumer for trail), Coupon (certificate that gives buyer savings), Cash refund (Refund money who send a proof of purchase), Price pack (Reduce price marked by producer), Patronage reward (reward for regular use), Discounts (direct reduction of price), Allowance (money offered to the seller to feature the manufactures product) (Principal of marketing 8th edition Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong) 09. 3: PREMIUM ITEMS OFFER Offer free or at minimum cost as a bonus. Use to attract competitors customers, different sizes of established products. Study identified from the net that Burger King with the Lion King movie was offered few years back in USA. 10. SWOT Analysis The SWOT analysis is a valuable step in your situational analysis. Assessing your firmââ¬â¢s strengths, weaknesses, market opportunities, and threats through a SWOT analysis is a very simple process that can offer powerful insight into the potential and critical issues affecting a venture. 10. 1: Strength o High company reputation. o Enable to provide much more customer satisfaction than competitors. o Higher product quality. o Provide higher service quality. o Distribution effectiveness is better than the others. o Strong management team enables to provide geographical coverage. o Able to launch a new product faster than the competitor o Financial position is much more stable than the other. 10. 2: Weakness o The major weakness of Rahimafrooz is the internal conflict of the management. Working sprit sometimes hampered by management conflict of the organization. o Though Rahimafrooz has a very good team for the marketing plan, but not all the people are experienced. o Communication barrier is the major weakness of the organization. o Expectation of the top management is very high. Sometimes they set very high target which is not achievable at all time. Sometimes it becomes burden for the employee. 10. 3: Opportunity o To get new customers after modification. o To provide more qualities in products. o Providing more benefit for products to increase more customer satisfaction. o Increasing the advertisement. o Increasing the distribution channel. Incentive for the employee who dose outstanding performance in their respective area. 10. 4: Threat o Major threat arises from the new entrants. o Many competitors in the electronic market. o Unethical competition. Such as, price cut, advertising, giving gift by the competitor may threaten position of Unilever. o Following th e same strategy by the competitors. o Worsening law and order situation of the country. o Availability of the substitute product in the market. ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â MANAGING DIRECTOR ACCOUNTS MANAGER REGIONAL MANAGER DISTRIBUTION MANAGER MARKETING MANAGER CHIEF OPERATION OFFICER PRODUCT MANAGER ADMIN MGR C F MANAGER NI SYSTEM DIRET SALE RETAIL MGR
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 15
Finance - Essay Example Note: The category ââ¬ËEconomic inactivityââ¬â¢ includes all people who are not in paid employment or actively looking for a job, while ââ¬ËUnemployedââ¬â¢ only includes people actively looking for a job and available to work in the next two weeks (the standard definition of unemployment). ââ¬ËTotal populationââ¬â¢ refers to people living in private households (i.e. not in residential care homes, community centres or prisons). The government decisions that can affect the flow of cash from both households and corporate is Fiscal and Monetary Policies which includes, the taxation which is interest rates and the government spending(Riley 2012) The money that flow to the government includes, savings, payments made to the government, and the taxes. The types of taxes that are paid to the government include, council tax1, taxes on income , National Savings & Investments savings, and government bonds, while payments to government includes, rents paid for living in buildings own by the government(Vivienne Brown and Alan Shipman). If government decides to increase taxes, it means that the money flowing to the households will go done while money flowing to the government will go up. Furthermore, if the government reduces the money which is going towards the citizen then it means that the money flowing towards the households will go down. The amount of money that flows from households to corporate includes payments to financial institutions, and spending on services and goods. Spending on services and goods include, money used on foods, leisure, rent, purchase of financial product, clothing and repayment of debts among others. Money that flows from corporations includes loans and incomes, for example salary and dividends. The government can affect this flow of money from households to corporations and vice versa by coming up with monetary policy, and depending where its leaning to then money would flow towards that direction. For
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Theories and theorists with the causes and responses to problematic Literature review
Theories and theorists with the causes and responses to problematic behaviour in children - Literature review Example One of the most basic debates revolves around the respective importance of the features and qualities that a child is born with, and those that are acquired from the environment as a child matures in the company of other people. This is known as the nature/nurture debate (Eysenk, 1997, 305-309) and a number of psychologists have devised experiments to try and work this out, so that more can be understood about how a child learns to interact with others, absorbing the rules of society and finding ways to adapt to the demands of school. Clearly if scholars can understand how behaviour is acquired, then they have more chance of finding ways to intervene if problems arise in this process. Behaviourism is one of the most well-known theories of child development. The Russian scientist Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936) conducted some very famous experiments on animals to research the way that learning takes place. He was primarily interested in physiology and his experiment with dogs showed that a random connection between a certain sound, and a reward of food, meant nothing to a dog at first, but with repeated association of the two, the dog could be trained to respond to the tone, in anticipation of the food, so that when the tone sounded, for the dog would salivate, even though there was no food in the room. Pavlov noted that this reflex action occurred spontaneously in the dog, whenever the stimulus was given, and this was called conditioning and it provided the basis for the theory of behaviourism. An example of the enduring truth of these theories can be observed in some typical behaviours in the context of education: ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ our actions may condition inappropriate a s well as appropriate behaviours, such as the automatic lack of attention to the lesson the moment the bell rings.â⬠(Woollard, 2010, p. 12) Further work on this line of thinking was done by American psychologist Edward Lee Thorndike (1874-1949), based on the way that cats learn to solve puzzles. Thorndike focussed on repetition of tasks, showing that the more frequently an action is required, and the more often a reward is offered for completion of this action, the more likely it is that the animal will learn the action. The implications for child behaviour are that learning should be provided in well structured, rather repetitive ways, with consistency in the reward system so that the child over time learns to fit in with what is expected of him. The psychologist John Watson (1878-1958) used the tools of scientific experimentation to demonstrate the validity of behaviourism: ââ¬Å"Based on his research on higher order animals, Watson strove to bring to psychology the same me asure of objectivity that marked some of the other traditional sciences such as physics and chemistry.â⬠(Hart and Kritsonis, 2006, pp. 2-3) The empirical method, based on experiments and data analysis were a major part of Watsonââ¬â¢s behaviourism and he is credited with establishing the credibility of Psychology as a discipline. Continuing in this same vein, B.F. Skinner (1904-1990) developed these ideas using rats initially, and then drawing parallels with child development. He devised experiments in which rats were required to push levers to obtain food, and this was called operant conditioning, because the rats had to actively operate the equipment to achieve the desired result. The important factor which he applied to child behaviour, was that rewards and punishments could be used to condition children to behave in certain ways. Skinnerââ¬â¢s behaviour modification theories hold that positive reinforcements, such as praise and encouragement will work more effectivel y than negative reinforcements, such as punishment, because the associations of past experiences will gradually persuade the child
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